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How Fluid Works

Example Transaction 1: Deposit

When depositing funds, the user may have payment methods stored (e.g. credit card, ewallet etc), along with the associated details stored. This enables a user to choose one or their preferred payment methods and deposit funds seamlessly.

In addition to the previously stored payment methods, various other methods can be presented to the user should they wish to use a new method (stored after using it for the first time). The wallet can customise the ordering of the stored and new payment methods. Each payment method has its own minimum deposit and maximum deposit limits. Each method also has its own set of bonuses that can be used with the method.

The figure below gives an example of how the fluid-widget element may appear in the rendered html for a transaction deposit. Once the user is authenticated on the host site, they are identified by the the user-id attribute. Data relating to the language used , currency, user balance etc are passed in and determine the appearance of the wallet, as illustrated below. The various steps shown in this example are for a user depositing 100€ using a credit card. Note the bonuses data is passed in as a stringified array of json bonus objects. This is detailed in the following section “Bonuses”.

Deposit user journey

Figure 1 - Example User Journey for a Deposit

The maxBonus property defines the maximum bonus amount that can be claimed. For example, in the image below showing the preselected bonus, the maxBonus amount would be 150€.

The maxBonusPercentage property defines the multiple applied to the amount deposited by the user to calculate the bonus amount added. This multiple is expressed as a percentage. For example, if the maxBonusPercentage is 150% and the user deposits 50€, then the bonus amount would be 75€ (50 x 150% = 75). As a second example, if the maxBonusPercentage is 100% and the user deposits 200€, the bonus amount would be 200€ (200 x 100% = 200). In the image below, the maxBonusPercentage is 100%, hence the text “100% up to 150€ + …” for the login bonus.

The selected-bonus property that is the bonus code of the specific bonus that will be preselected in the wallet. It is passed in to the fluid-widget and must be a part of the bonuses array described here. This is an observed attribute (see section “Observed Attributes” below) so it can be modified after the wallet has loaded. The ability to preselect bonuses may be used when the user is referred to the Operator with a specific bonus offer, for example.

Preselected bonus

Figure 2 - Example of a Preselected Bonus

Example Transaction 2: Quick Deposit

For quick deposits, the user can deposit funds with the least effort simply by entering say CVC number and deposit amount. The figure below gives an example of how the fluid-widget element may appear in the rendered html for a quick deposit. Note the transaction attribute value is “quick-deposit”. As before, the various attribute values determine the various settings of the wallet, tailored to the user.

Quick Deposit: Step 1

Figure 3 - Quick Deposit: Step 1

Example Transaction 3: Withdrawal

The figure below shows the Fluid Wallet for a withdrawal transaction. Note in this example, the withdrawable balance of 900€ is passed in as property and displayed in the initial screen presented to the user.

Withdrawal: Step 1

Figure 4 - Withdrawal: Step 1

Responsible Gaming Limit

The wallet enables responsible gaming limits to be defined and when applicable, the max deposit amount is adjusted amount on step 1. Each payment had its own maximum deposit amount, however when the responsible gaming is below this limit, the maximum deposit is limited to this value. For example, in the figure below the responsible gaming limit is set at 220€ (shown as Max: €220). If the user enters an amount exceeding this limit, the text is highlighted red and the fluent box displays the limit set by responsible gaming.

Responsible Gaming Limit

Figure 5 - Responsible Gaming Limit