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The Error tab allows for managing any error that might occur while the user is making a transaction according to the error code provided by the payment provider and managing user experience.

Users can add, view, edit and delete errors from their collection.

View Error collection

  • This tab displays all errors in the operator’s collection.

Add an Error to collection

  • To add a new error to the collection:
    1. Click the “+ New Record” button in the top right corner. This will load a new screen.
    2. Populate all input fields
      • Code - Used solely within the back office to identify this error.

      • Text Title - The error label which will be displayed to the user.

      • Text - The message displayed to the user.

      • Provider Error Codes - Add all provider error codes (comma separated) that should be grouped under this error.

      • Error Action - From the drop down menu, select what kind of action should the customer be provided with when using the “Try again” functionality.

        • Restart process and clear details - The customer will restart the whole process from scratch.
        • Restart process and preserve details - The customer will be taken to the initial screen, but should they not change their payment method, they will not have to input their details.
        • Show details step and clear details - The customer will be taken to the details step, and will be presented with blank fields.
        • Show details step and preserve details - The customer will be taken to the details step and will be presented with the same details they have just used.
      • Icon Selection - Select the icon to be displayed to the customer for this error.

      • Faulty Transaction Filter

        This functionality allows for blocks on further attempts from the user for a defined period of time, with:

        • The same payment method
        • Equal or higher amount

        We suggest that for any error where it is likely to immediately re-occur if no changes are made, this feature is enabled.

        For example; When the provider returns “ERR_DECLINED_NO_FUNDS”, if the user tries again immediately and makes no changes to the amount or payment method, it is highly likely that the attempt will be unsuccessful once again.

        • Switch on the toggle to enable
          • Populate the newly provided field with the duration (in seconds) for which further attempts should be prevented.

Edit an error in collection

  • Locate the error which requires editing.
  • Click the error code. The screen with its details will be displayed.
  • Edit as necessary.

Delete an error from collection

  • Locate the error to be deleted.
  • Click the error code. The screen with its details will be displayed.
  • Navigate to and click the options menu (3 dots) next to the header, in the top left corner.
  • Click “Delete”.

Additional Notes

Save Changes: Always click “Save” after making edits to ensure updates are applied.

Search Tip: Use the Find functionality to quickly find specific errors in large collections.