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Payment Method

Fluid provides its customers the facility to create payment methods as required from the Payment Method page.

When a payment method is created, it will be added to the operator’s collection to use when needed.

View Payment Methods

  • This tab displays all payment methods in the operator’s collection.

Creating a new Payment Method

  • To add a new payment method:
    1. Click on the “+ New Record” button in the top right corner. This will open a new page.

    2. Populate the fields presented.

      • Name* - This field will define the payment method's name the end-users see when they use the wallet.
        • Use the locale tabs to provide a name for your payment method (in case the name is different and requires translations).
        • This field accepts single-line text input. Both uppercase and lowercase letters are accepted.
      • Name (Internal)* - This field is for internal use only and helps distinguish between payment method names from different providers.
      • Provider Type* - This field will define the transaction type used to set up the payment method in your Payment Orchestration platform. The transaction type in this field should be identical to the one you are using on your platform.
      • Service - This field will help you to separate APMs or providers with the same transaction type and in the cashier these methods will be with their own logo and name. (this field can be left empty if you are using only one Transaction Type)
      • Logo and Logo Light - This field allows you to upload .svg format logos directly from your computer or the Media library on your Fluid account.
      • Terms & Conditions - This field allows you to add single line free text. (for example: interac-trademark)
      • Info - This field is used to display information about the payment method. An “i” icon will be shown next to the payment method when any information is added.

      Text content customized

      Text content customized

      • Payment Type* - The dropdown list has 4 selections to choose from.
        • EWallet
        • BankTransfer
        • Crypto
        • CreditCard
      • Instructions (Payment method HTML) - The field is used to add an HTML or Markdown and to add optional usage instructions for any payment method.

      Text content customized

      • Deposit Input Fields - This field is used to specify any additional fields required by the payment method.

        Input fields are selected from the 'Library,' and a 'New Input Field' can be added if the Library does not have the desired value. 'Amount' and 'service' do not need to be specified in this section, as they are provided by default as part of the deposit flow.

      • Withdrawal Input Fields - This field is used to specify any additional fields required by the payment method. (same as 'Deposit Input Fields') Please note that the same Payment method entry can be used in case Provider Type & Service are the same for Deposit and Withdrawal. Input fields are selected from the 'Library,' and a 'New Input Field' can be added if the Library does not have the desired value. 'Amount' and 'service' do not need to be specified in this section, as they are provided by default as part of the deposit flow.

Attributes marked with * are mandatory.

Edit payment methods in collection

  • Locate the payment method which requires editing.
  • Click the payment method. The screen with its details will be displayed.
  • Edit as necessary.

Delete payment methods from collection

  • Locate the payment method to be deleted.

  • Click the payment method. The screen with its details will be displayed. Navigate to and click the options menu (3 dots) next to the header, in the top left corner.

  • Click “Delete”.

Additional Notes

Save Changes: Always click “Save” after making edits to ensure updates are applied.

Search Tip: Use the Find functionality to quickly find specific payment methods in large collections.