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Input fields

Fluid offers the operators the possibility of customizing the input fields being present to the customers in the wallet.

In this tab, the operators can view, add, edit and delete input fields within their collection.

Viewing Input Fields

  • This tab displays all input fields in the operator’s collection.

Add an Input Field to collection

  • To add a new Input Field to the collection:
    • Click the “+ New Record” button in the top right corner. This will load a new screen.
    • Populate all input fields
      • Internal Name* - Used solely within the back office to identify this input field.
      • Param Name* - The name that will be used to pass this parameter.
      • Text - How the field is labelled to the user.
      • Place Holder Text - Any text that should be displayed in the input field until populated by the user.
      • Error Text - What message to show to the customer if a mistake is identified in the input field.
      • Format - The expected format of the data inserted in the field. Format is defined using regular expressions.
      • Options - Add all options for which this input field should be used.

Edit Input Fields from collection

  • Locate the input field which requires editing.
  • Click the input field name. The screen with its details will be displayed.
  • Edit as necessary.

Delete Input Fields from collection

  • Locate the input field to be deleted.
  • Click the input field name. The screen with its details will be displayed.
  • Navigate to and click the options menu (3 dots) next to the header, in the top left corner.
  • Click “Delete”.

Additional Notes

Save Changes: Always click “Save” after making edits to ensure updates are applied.

Search Tip: Use the Find functionality to quickly find specific input fields in large collections.

Mandatory fields: All fields with a “*” are mandatory.